Questionnaire for organizers/coordinators of citizen science projects Language: English עברית عَرَبيْ Ελληνικά Deutsch English Español Nederlands Suomi default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. This is a very short questionnaire to organizers of research and/or innovation related projects involving lay contributors often called citizen scientists. The answers to this questionnaire will not be published. For research purposes the answers will be saved in an internal database to which only researchers of the project have access.In this survey no personally identifiable information is being collected or processed. Please do not include personal data in your responses. Thank you for taking 4 minutes of your time to answer a few questions about your project. There are 9 questions in this survey. Main information (This question is mandatory) 1. What project do you refer to in the following? Name of Project Website If you have no website, you could refer to another online source that mentions your project. 2. Project contact information Email address of the project 3. Please write just a few words about the main objectives of your project. Max. 250 characters. 4. Which academic disciplines are available in the organization team? Discipline 1 Discipline 2 Discipline 3 Discipline 4 Comments You can list no discipline at all, fewer or more than four disciplines. If one or more members of your team graduated from university, indicate what they studied. Please read before you proceed: As participants in this context we understand unpaid contributors who are * not part of the project organization team and * not graduates in the disciplines relevant to your project. 5. Please give us a rough picture of how many participants have been involved in your project since its very beginning. Choose one of the following answers < 20 21 – 100 101 – 1000 > 1000 No answer Include all who ever participated. 6. Please indicate how many participants are presently active in your project.For finished/pausing projects: Use the latest number of participants instead. Choose one of the following answers < 20 21 – 100 101 – 1000 > 1000 No answer Include only those who are participating now. In the following we try to get a picture of who are the participants in your project.Please give us an idea of percentages by moving the sliders.If you cannot or do not want to give even a very rough estimate: just skip to next question. 7. Can you give a very rough estimate of the gender distribution among the participants in your project?Please move the slider until it feels right. Only numbers may be entered in these fields. The sum must equal 100. Each answer must be between 0 and 100 The sum must be between 0 and 100 male 0 100 Reset female 0 100 Reset diverse/other 0 100 Reset The accuracy is 5 %. 8. Please give us a very rough overview of the age distribution of participants.Just move the slider bar until it feels right. Only numbers may be entered in these fields. The sum must equal 100. Each answer must be between 0 and 100 The sum must be between 0 and 100 < 18 years Reset 18 - 35 years Reset 36 - 45 years Reset 46 - 60 years Reset > 60 years Reset The accuracy is 5 %. 9. Please give us a very rough estimate of the professional status of the participants. Just move the slider until it feels right. The sum must equal 100. Each answer must be between 0 and 100 The sum must be between 0 and 100 Students or pupils 0 100 Reset Employed or entrepreneurs 0 100 Reset Housemen/-wives 0 100 Reset Retired people 0 100 Reset Other important groups 0 100 Reset The accuracy is 5 %. Thank you very much for taking your time to answer this questionnaire.Please find more information on CS Track here. ⇓ Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey Resume later ×